Paso Robles Propane Supplier Releases Safety Tips for Small Scale Propane Users

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Paso Robles Propane Supplier Releases Safety Tips for Small Scale Propane Users

propane Paso Robles

–Wildhorse Propane, supplier of propane to Paso Robles has released safety tips for small-scale propane tank users. Wildhorse Propane is releasing these safety tips to help inform portable propane tank users about safe practices.
Millions of people fire up their propane-fueled grills every weekend or cook on propane fueled camp stoves.

Propane torches are popular for crafts and art, such as making some kinds of jewelry and metalsmithing. Farmers, ranchers and sma acreage owners use propane tanks to fuel tractors and other equipment.

Safety tips for small scale propane tank users

Propane is great for many different uses. However, people need to be safe when dealing with it. Propane is flammable and can be very dangerous if not handled properly. With that in mind, Wildhorse propane, supplier of propane to Paso Robles and the Central Coast has a few safety tips for propane users to reduce the chance of accidents or emergencies.

Know which tank to use and how to use it

If people are using propane, they should make sure they know which kind of propane bottle or tank to use and how it works with their appliances or equipment.

A propane tank designed to fuel farm equipment is not the appropriate choice for a camp stove. A small tank for a barbecue grill might be appropriate for a metalsmith working with a jeweler’s torch. If the propane tank supplying the home is empty, don’t hook up a smaller tank to the kitchen stove.

The connection needs to be tight and just because a person has used one appliance with propane, doesn’t mean they will know how to use them all. Also, certain appliances should only be used outside such as propane gas BBQ grills and appliances should only be used for their designed purpose.

Know how to connect, disconnect and use any regulators that may be attached to the tank. Anyone with questions about connecting a propane tank is welcome to call the propane Paso Robles supplier for help.

Know the smell of propane

Leaks can occur when dealing with propane. Ignoring a leak can lead is hazardous. Make sure everyone in the household or working around propane can identify the smell of a leak. Keep fire extinguishers on hand and accessible.

Propane has a very strong and nasty smell, similar to rotten eggs or a dead animal. As a result, it is fairly hard to miss. Immediately shut off the propane flow at the tank.

Replace faulty tanks or those suspected of being faulty.

Transport and store tanks correctly

When transporting propane tanks, it is important to keep them upright and secure. The valve of the tank should also be closed and it couldn’t hurt for car windows to be open when transporting them as well. Store tanks out of the sun, away from heat sources and in well-ventilated areas.

Propane tanks have a long shelf life, but they should still be inspected before use.

Testing for leaks

It’s a good idea to test for leaks once the tank or bottle has been connected. Three ways to test for leaks are:

  • Sniff—propane smells like rotten eggs. Immediately turn off the tank.
  • Check for bubbles—use a thick soapy solution or special leak detector solution. Apply the solution around the tank connections and the connections to the appliance. If it bubbles, turn off the tank.
  • Use a propane gas detector—A propane gas detector is the most reliable method for detecting a leak. However, a gas detector may not be as effective outdoors.

Know emergency procedures

Propane appliances usually come with directions, precautions and emergency procedures. Know these procedures before connecting a propane bottle or tank.

If in doubt about the instructions that come with the appliance, contact the Paso Robles propane experts at Wildhorse Propane.

Wildhorse Propane & Appliance

50557 Wildhorse Road

King City CA, 93930

(831) 385-4827

Press release by Paso Robles SEO company Access Publishing, 806 9th Street, #2D, Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 226-9890.

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